Tanja Bolle
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Recommended Reading
This is a simple and short list of some of the classics that I love to recommend to women for their pregnancies and births. There are so many books out there for specific interests from sibling preparation, prenatal yoga and how your dog will react to the new baby. Let me know if there is something in particular you are looking for...

Spiritual Midwifery by Ina Mae Gaskin
Great birth stories, she also now has an updated new book

Birthing From Within by Pam England
Looking at the creative and emotional side of birth and pregnancy

Special Delivery by Rahima Baldwin
An intimate look at labor and birth

Pregnant Feelings by Rahima Baldwin and Terra Palmarini Richardson
Exercises for developing trust in birth

A Season to be Born by Suzanne Arms
Beautiful photographs

Birth Without Violence by Frederick Leboyer
A classic

After Baby’s Birth a Women’s Way to Wellness by Robin Lim
Life postpartum

Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by La Leche League-
Everything you need to know about breastfeeding

Ourselves and Our Children by Boston Women Health Book Collective
A book by and for parents

Mothering, Hip Mama, and Complete Mother
Magazines offering creative support for mothers and parents

Visualizations for an Easier Childbirth, Mind Over Labor by Carl Jones
Collection of visualizations

Gentle Birth Choices by Barbara Harper
Focus on waterbirth


Midwives Alliance of North America
National organization involved in training and educating and uniting midwives

Citizen's For Midwifery
See what you can do to support your midwifery community

Midwifery Today
Trade magazine with the latest in birth news and information

Santa Fe Children's Museum
A favorite spot in Santa Fe for families with children

Mothering Magazine
A great magazine supporting parents and the issues they face, also a local resource with a great lending library

Evolving Mother
Local Santa Fe group nurturing mothers in their ever changing roles

Breast Feeding New Mexico
Lots of information about breastfeeding and its benefits plus local support groups